Goal Setting in the Dark

blog 2013 (2)

I have absolutely no idea what 2013 holds, except that I hope it is radically different to the last couple of years of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my life, but until now it’s generally been quite settled. Safe. A little directionless. I am ready for something new, particularly in regards to my career. It’s about time I took a risk and got my teeth stuck into something that I enjoy and am talented in. I am currently looking into studying, which is pretty daunting.

I’ve never considered myself a studious person because I have a short attention span and a lack of discipline. However, I love learning and advancing myself and I think it’s time I shot my insecurities of being stupid to the pit of hell (where the belong). I’m ready for a challenge. If not study then it’s time for some sort of risk or adventure. I’m teetering on that difficult edge at the moment; do I wait for God or just make a decision? (more on that next week!)

All that was to say I have goals for this year, but they have been set in the dark as I’m blind as to what my next big step is. I don’t know if all of the below will be achievable (namely the travel ones for lack of funds/time), but it’s nice to have them because otherwise I’ll float, and there ain’t nothin’ worse than floating.

We all have areas we could improve, and mine is self-discipline. So in addition to having a set of goals, my #OneWord365 is DISCIPLINE and I’m really excited about it. Self-control and discipline are the gateway to personal and professional success, I reckon.

Okay, okay, so here we go.

  • Go on one photo mission OR have one craft day a month
  • Do a walk with Met Walkers at least once a month
  • Read at least one book per month (so difficult for me these days – eek!)
  • Tick off 5 things from my Life List
  • Stay out of my overdraft every month
  • Visit Peak District (England), Egypt (dive the Red Sea), Auckland (home), NYC (meet Eryn), Copenhagen, Stockholm (visit Michelle) and Budapest
  • Buy a new DSLR camera
  • Take a really big risk (THE big risk)
  • Write write write write write
  • Take a truly phenomenal picture that I’m really proud of, blow it up and frame it
  • Plan for the week ahead every weekend (fitness, food and time to write/prepare blog posts)
  • Join a mentorship or elderly care program
  • Finish the Joyce Meyer devotional I’ve started with YouVersion.

P.s. Sorry for the inconsistent blogging over the Christmas/New Year period. My mama is in town and she’s more important right now. However I do have a lot to say and share at the moment and in order for it to be relevant, I may be posting a little more frequently in the next couple of weeks!

Do you believe in goal setting and resolution making? What are yours for 2013?

5 thoughts on “Goal Setting in the Dark

  1. Wow, these are some awesome goals, I love the blow up and frame a photo one! It’s also really cool that you’re planning on visiting my neck of the woods (Scandinavia). I’d love to go to Copenhagen and I love Stockholm, it’s so beautiful! I hope you find the time and the funds. Personally, I haven’t set any goals for 2013, but I have a lot of hopes and I’ve written a list of prayers for the year. It seemed more realistic at this point in my life :)

  2. I love “Take a truly phenomenal picture that I’m really proud of, blow it up and frame it” – its so hard to be proud of ourselves these days! this is a goody!

  3. Pingback: #FinishYear: Refresh | Kaitlin McDuffie

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